The Flower Moon Collection
"[The Flower Moon] is a time to give up what doesn't serve you and an opportunity to make your way to the other side and continue to expand and evolve. The name of this moon is fitting, because every flower starts out as a seed, buried in the dark, damp soil. Nature knows that darkness has its purpose and will lead you to the light."
-Sofia Adler
Today, May 16, 2022, is the Flower Moon.
The Algonquin tribes of what is now the northeastern United States called the full moon in May the Flower Moon, for the flowers that are abundant this time of year. This moon has been traditionally seen as a time for new beginnings and evolution, focusing on abundance, pleasure, romance, fertility, laughter and fun. Around the world people have embraced this season for these same qualities, celebrating the hope spring brings, the joy of flowers, the abundance felt in the growth around us, and the laughter that spills out from it all.
At Jubilee Trading Co., we aspire to embody these qualities at all times, but we are thrilled to intentionally channel this vivacity with our newest collection of home goods. These designs inspire us to slow down and rest in peace and wonder.
Our new Luna moon phase wall hanging collection reminds us to embrace the phase we’re in. Accept that our energy will wax and wane like the moon, some seasons will be bright and others in shadow. We have much to appreciate in each phase.
In designing this collection, I was reminded of a quote from the book A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah:
“We must strive to be like the moon… people complain when there is too much sun… and also when it rains too much or when it is cold. But, no one grumbles when the moon shines. Everyone becomes happy and appreciates the moon in their own special way. Children watch their shadows and play in its light, people gather at the square to tell stories and dance through the night. A lot of happy things happen when the moon shines”
What an inspiration, to desire to bring a warm glow with you everywhere you go.
Our Starlight collection takes that notion a step further. The soft twinkle of starlight inspires wonder and peace. Stargazing pulls us out of our busyness and requires us to be still, look up, and spend a moment in awe of the heavens. I’ve noticed that in seasons of hurry, I completely overlook the stars. But when I stop and gaze, I feel stress melt away and enjoy a childlike wonder that brings me out of my hustle and into admiration and peace.
We added a smaller plant hanger to our line, with the intention that we aim not to survive but flourish! Just as we create favorable environments for our plants, we must do the same for ourselves. Having plants in your home improves your mood and creativity, reduces stress, cleans the air, plus they are therapeutic to care for!
We hope you enjoy the Flower Moon Collection, celebrating the hope spring brings, the joy of flowers, the abundance felt in the growth around us, and the laughter that spills over as our cup overflows. At Jubilee Trading Co., we aspire to embody these qualities at all times, but we are thrilled to intentionally channel this vivacity with our newest collection of home goods.