School of Ethical Impact

Changing the world is hard— you don’t have to go alone!  

I’ve been on this journey for years and am thankful for the slow and steady progress I’ve made.  I’ve come so far!! This year, however, I upped my game and decided to invest in my dreams and join a community of people like me in the thick of growing and scaling their own ethical businesses and non-profits. 
WHAT. A. GAME. CHANGER. It’s been a joy to join others in learning and improving while networking and making lasting friendships. I’ve grown more in the first 5 months of this program than Google University could have ever taught me. Hayley and Jenny are amazing leaders, 100% rooting us on and invested in our growth.  
If you’re interested in investing in your dream to change the world, check out School of Ethical Impact from the link below. I'm a partner with with school and would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have!  A new cohort launches Oct. 4 and I’d love for you to be in our sisterhood 🧡
School of Ethical Impact

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